Nadia Petropoulou
Nadia Petropoulou is a Court of Appeal Lawyer and a partner of the Law firm. She studied Law at the National and Kapodistrian University of Athens and widened her field of expertise by acquiring a Master in Business Administration (MBA) of AUEB.
Her main specialization is in Patent & Trademark Law, Domain Names and Industry Designs Legislation and Startup Investments. Within the scope of startups incorporation , apart from undertaking the incorporation startup process she provides guidance to entrepreneurs through all stages until the finalization of an Investment Agreement.
She has also a profound knowledge of Corporate and Commercial Law, Economics, Accounting, Competition Law and has been providing consulting services on GDPR compliance procedures on Personal Data Compliance projects.
During her MBA studies, she has specialized in Marketing and has studied Competition Law and its implications for company development. In addition, she has gained considerable experience in the practical implementation of legislation in the corporate environment and the importance of organizational culture in the field of mergers and acquisitions.